Minimum requirements of promotion in social sciences


  • Péter Sasvári
    Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Miskolci Egyetem
  • Anna Urbanovics
    Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem


The paper aims to investigate the indicators defined by the regulations for university professors and for the doctors of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It compares the weight and relevance of these indicators, primarily in the field of social sciences. It is important to note that international literature defines three pillars for academic performance evaluation systems: educational activities, research activities and academic public roles including managerial duties. Our findings show a mature system, but in each of its elements orientation to research seems to dominate. Research-related indicators are defined accurately, while education-related ones leave more space and flexibility for candidates. The minimum requirements for university professors are investigated in further detail. Regarding the points, the system was found to be mature and flexible, and to take equal account of both research and education activities. Minimum requirements provide a room for candidates to obtain points based on their personal skills and focus during their careers on the one hand, while certifying their experience and abilities in every indicator on the other.


tudományos fokozat, társadalomtudomány, kutatás, szakirodalmi dokumentum, Magyarország

Author Biographies

Péter Sasvári, Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Miskolci Egyetem

egyetemi docens

Anna Urbanovics, Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem

Doktorandusz - MA szakos hallgató, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Published Online


How to Cite

Sasvári, P., Urbanovics, A. “Minimum requirements of promotion in social sciences”, Scientific and Technical Information, 68(1), pp. 12–24, 2021.


