Survey on research data management among ELTE researchers
It is the priority task of higher education libraries is to support researchers, so they are interested in latest trends in research data management, and continuously expand their knowledge and awareness in the subject as a librarian competence. The ELTE University Library and Archives (Budapest), in response to the latest trends in scholarly communication, conducted a survey on research data management in autumn 2021. The survey aimed to map the amount and type of research data managed by ELTE researchers. The study describes the methodology used to generate and promote the questionnaire. It focuses on data management related to ELTE researchers' activities, their motivations and concerns about data sharing.
research data, research data management, FAIR research data management, surveyPublished Online
How to Cite
Faragó-Szilvási, T., Fejes, J., Móring, T. “Survey on research data management among ELTE researchers”, Scientific and Technical Information, 69(8), pp. 414–428, 2022.