Certification systems for green buildings in Hungary
Architecture, including library architecture, has always been a focus of interest, since a building’s potentials determine the functions of a site and the use of its spaces. This has become even more relevant with the changing view on libraries, as they are changing over from repositories of books to community spaces. At the same time, architectural solutions must also follow library trends and expectations. This issue is nowadays on the agenda of both international and domestic events and conferences.
könyvtár, középület, közösségi tér, fenntartható fejlődés, emberi ökológia, minőségtanúsításPublished Online
How to Cite
Pataki, F. “Certification systems for green buildings in Hungary”, Scientific and Technical Information, 69(4), pp. 155–163, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3311/tmt.13154