Annexes of the 75 Years old Művelődés: Könyvtár and Könyvesház

Part II


  • Judit Vántsa
    Báró Wesselényi Miklós Városi Könyvtár


Part of the present study is devoted to the history of the Hungarian specialised press in Romania and the history of the Hungarian public library in Romania between 1945 and 2023. The exploration of the past of the Hungarian library press in Romania has been not without difficulties, since the bibliographical references in the Kuszálik bibliography of press history, in Művelődés, in the Hungarian Literary Encyclopedia of Romania, in Magyar Könyvszemle and other sources show a discrepancy of several years in terms of the starting date and frequency of publication of the individual journals. The collection work was made more difficult by the fact that none of the journals published after 1948 could withstand the vicissitudes of time and could not ensure continuous publication for decades, as the Magyar Könyvszemle (1876-) or the Könyvtári Figyelő (1955-) could. Művelődés tried to fill this gap, trying to promote the Hungarian library sector in Romania, both in its columns and in its supplements.

The study is divided into two parts: the first part is the history of Művelődés, the second part is the history of the Könyvtár and the Könyvesház.


sajtótörténet, romániai magyarok, folyóirat, könyvtár, Művelődés, Könyvesház

Published Online


How to Cite

Vántsa, J. “Annexes of the 75 Years old Művelődés: Könyvtár and Könyvesház: Part II”, Scientific and Technical Information, 70(4), pp. 425–438, 2023.


