After the EDEN Genova 2018 Conference - Suggesting a new relevance fronteer


  • Claudio Dondi


The fact is not that the “mainstream education” does not see the challenges and the change that is occurring in society, but the key strategy to face change is considered to be the updating of taught contents and the standardisation of learning outcomes, while using more or less the same teaching, evaluation and organisation processes, if necessary supported by technological devices.

The questions of learning methods, central role of learners, open-endedness of learning programmes, shift in the assessment and credentialisation methods are frequent in the research agenda and in the international policy debate on education innovation, but, when it comes to actual decision making, the focus is on contents of curriculum, qualifications, standard testing, accreditation, ranking and funding.

Author Biography

Claudio Dondi

Claudio Dondi is a Senior Fellow of EDEN who as served as Vice-President from 2001 to 2006. With a background in industrial economics and political science, he has been active in research, policy analysis and support to innovation in the fields of education and training for more than 30 years. He contributed to the creation of several European networks in the field of distance and eLearning from 1988 to 2013 and to the coordination of observatory projects on the impact of ICT on education (BEACON, MESO, eWatch, HELIOS, LEARNOVATION, KALEIDOSCOPE, VISIR). He has been active in support of EU and national institutions and has worked in capacity building projects in Latin America and Asia for the last 25 years.

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How to Cite

Dondi, C. (2018) “After the EDEN Genova 2018 Conference - Suggesting a new relevance fronteer”, Opus et Educatio, 5(4).


