Development of Institutional Leadership in the Hungarian Education System
The study provides a systematic pedagogical overview of the training courses that prepare leaders of Hungary's educational institutions. By education, the authors mean the system established by Act CXC of 2011 on public education and Act LXXX of 2019 on vocational education and training, i.e. the system of educational institutions created by the secession of vocational education and training from public education: i.e. kindergarten, primary and secondary schools (secondary grammar school, vocational grammar school and vocational school), art schools and colleges. The paper also analyses the basic content adequacy of the training, i.e. whether there is a match between the range of management activities and the range of knowledge offered. Given the deficient number of training courses for development purposes besides preparation in the system of educational leaders' training, and as priority is given to the training of the heads of institutions in the public education strategy adopted in 2020, the paper concludes by suggesting that it is time to develop a concept in which preparation, development and training for leadership supervision are interlinked in a complex model of leadership development.