How can adult learning support digitalisation?


  • Szilárd Malatyinszki
  • Adrienn Bartha
    Kodolányi János University


Digitalisation, the widespread use and diffusion of digital technologies, has revolutionised the workplace and society in recent years. The spread of digitalisation has had a significant impact on the labour market and the business environment, creating new challenges for employers and employees alike. Adult learning plays a key role in helping workers to adapt and succeed in the new digital environment. Corporate digitalisation, i.e. the widespread use and integration of digital technologies into business processes, is now a key factor for competitiveness and sustainable development. Digitalisation creates new opportunities for companies to increase efficiency, foster innovation and improve customer experience. In this paper, we review how adult learning contributes to digitalisation, to corporate digitalisation and how it helps employees to cope with new challenges and acquire new digital skills. We will summarise the steps companies can take to effectively exploit the opportunities offered by digital technologies.

Author Biographies

Szilárd Malatyinszki

Dr. Habil. Szilárd Malatyinszki, Head of Department, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, János Kodolányi University In 2009, he obtained his doctoral degree in Pécs in the field of territorial and settlement development, and in 2023 he completed his habilitation at the Széchenyi István Doctoral School in Sopron, in the field of The impact of digitalization on education and the labor market. His area of ​​research is helping small and medium-sized businesses and family businesses change generations, supporting the spread of digitalization. He has been teaching at the János Kodolányi University since 2017, and will head the Department of Economics and Management from 2022. His educational activity is the transfer of talent management, strategic human resource management and project management processes. In his current research, he examines the digital tools that can support the generational change process of domestic enterprises. In his spare time, he likes to dance and play sports, he is married and the father of two children.

Adrienn Bartha, Kodolányi János University

tanulmányi igazgató, Kodolányi János Egyetem

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Malatyinszki, S., Bartha, A. (2024) “How can adult learning support digitalisation?”, Opus et Educatio, 11(2).


