With music: Education against university dropout? On the connection between experiential group music sessions and the university dropout process.
'Dropout' is a phenomenon in practice and a defined concept in the literature, one of the most actual issues in education. It is a complex and multifaceted process. The Ratio research group, established at J. Selye University in Slovakia, also launched its research to study this phenomenon based on various objective and subjective aspects. The present study introduces a particular part of this research process. Music education is a crucial part of (pre-school and elementary) teacher training, which includes a unity of theoretical and practical knowledge. It is one of the most demanding subjects, which has been proven to cause difficulties in passing exams, in the successful fulfilment of the study conditions of teacher trainees and university studies. According to this facts, the study aims to assess the opinions of first-year (pre-school and elementary) teacher trainees and the objective and subjective circumstances (defined by them) that have helped or hindered them in meeting the study requirements for the subject of music education. Further, the paper aims to map out students' experiences during the study and exam period, which finally provided reinforcement in their university studies' relationship.